About Psoriasis

Welcome to this website.  It is currently a work-in-progress launched February 7, 2013 so not all the content is complete or finalized.  The goal is to provide information to people with psoriasis who seek a natural and holistic approach to healing the skin disease, though the site also contains information on standard medical treatments which cause any number of side effects.  Either way, it will help the user best weigh his/her options to cure and/or treat the disease.

As you’ll notice, there are deliberately NO IMAGES of the skin disease itself anywhere on this site.  The images posted above are those of clear, healthy, beautiful skin.  This is by design so that those with psoriasis who visit the site can adopt and embed these images in their minds for their own bodies as a healing technique used in the practice of Visualization coupled with a positive attitude/FEELING (with emotional clarity) and perception (in the present) that one is “already healed” (See Meditation).


Psoriasis is a common and chronic skin disease. A person with psoriasis generally has patches of raised red skin with thick silvery scales that is constantly regenerating faster than your average skin cycle. The affected skin may be red and scaly or rarely have pustules, depending on the type of psoriasis the individual has.


Psoriasis is usually found on the elbows, knees, and scalp but can often affect the legs, trunk, and nails. Psoriasis may be found on any part of the skin.  Psoriasis is not an infection and therefore is not contagious. Touching the affected skin and then touching someone else will not transmit psoriasis. However, the red scaly skin can become infected, especially when there are splits in the skin.


  1. STRESS – stress brought on from life’s challenges.
  2. EMOTIONS – Inability to express emotions in a healthy manner–emotionally unavailable and/or cannot control emotional outbursts.
  3. IMMUNE SYSTEM – The immune system plays a key role in psoriasis. In psoriasis, a certain subset of T lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) abnormally trigger inflammation in the skin as well as other parts of the body. These T cells produce chemicals that cause skin cells to multiply abnormally quickly, as well as producing changes in small skin blood vessel which result ultimately an elevated scaling plaque of psoriasis.
  4. GENETIC DISPOSITION – Psoriasis can be inherited. Some people carry genes that make them more likely to develop psoriasis. Just because a person has genes that would make him more likely to have psoriasis doesn’t mean he will have the disease. About one-third of people with psoriasis have at least one family member with the disease. Certain factors trigger psoriasis to flare up in those who have the genes.
  5. HABITS – Environmental factors such as smoking, exposure to sun, and alcoholism may affect how often psoriasis occurs and how long the flare-ups last.
  6. INJURY – Injury to the skin has been known to trigger psoriasis. For example, a skin infection, skin inflammation, or even excessive scratching can trigger psoriasis. A number of medications have been shown to aggravate psoriasis.  (Source:  http://www.emedicinehealth.com/psoriasis/article_em.htm)


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    • Thank you for your comment. We get so many responses, some get lost in the mix. Our apologies for the extremely late response (as we do publish several nonprofit public service websites). We have not pursued Twitter given the enormous amount of free content we avail to the public, however, we will consider it at the very least as a platform to alert our followers of a new post.

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